SLF Steak n ' Eggs + Pineapple Salsa


Steak n’ Eggs. I had never tried steak n’ eggs. I’m pretty sure I’ve read about this dish in a southern novel and found myself drooling over the delectable description, but I had never cooked or eaten it.

I can now proudly say as a beef owner and cook - I LOVE steak n’ eggs by first hand experience!! (My boys loved it, too!)

The savory + salty combination of two very different food textures make for a lip smacking experience. But I knew going in to the meal that I wanted something to balance this hearty, protein-packed dish. So… I made my own pineapple salsa! Man, all I can say is that it was such a flavor burst of sweet, salty, bright, savory and refreshing all in one bite!

Here’s how you make it:


(makes approximately 8 cups)

ingrd: 1 Pineapple (skinned and chopped into small squares), 6 Roma Tomatoes diced, 2 Tbls minced Cilantro, 1 cup of Cooked Corn, 1/2 cup of heavy syrup from a can of peaches, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 tsp salt.

Stir all the ingredients together and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.

In an iron skillet melt 1 Tbls of butter over high heat. Place 1-2 sirloin steaks in skillet and cook each side for 4 minutes until middle reaches 140 degrees for a medium-well done steak. Cook 2-4 eggs on the side during the last few minutes of cooking.

Serve eggs and steaks warm and spoon salsa over the top. Enjoy!


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Chelsea Hansen